Thursday 25 April 2013

Keeping Food Down...

  Perhaps some of you know I have been struggling with my food simply on a physical level. The last few months have been particularly bad, especially the last 2. Since leaving hospital, I have struggled to keep any food down at all - in fact I think the vomiting worsened once I left and came back home. I would so often simply not eat for days at a time simply because it took more effort to vomit up food than to not eat. Nothing at all stayed down, and worse - more fluid came up.

I am discovering now that this very severe vomiting is not actually caused by the Gastroparesis at all, but by these additional white blood cells in my stomach.
As I mentioned before, I have a very sensitive stomach right now, which can be likened to a drippy nose with hayfever. Anytime that nose comes into contact with an irritant/allergen, it sneezes and becomes very irritated. In the same way, my stomach has these reactions to particular kinds of foods in the form of vomiting, and results in the food being forced out of the stomach. The reaction (that is, to vomit) is almost instant and there is no keeping the food there.
Unfortunately for me, this sensitivity is very, very sensitive right now, and even the smallest things can be considered an irritant. In terms of food, think of every kind of food you know of that people have allergies to. Yep. That, and more - I can't touch. Well, I can. But if I want to keep my food in my stomach, no.
So, how do I know all this?
Well, it all began when I gave up on the endless monotony and did something crazy - I spent a week really seeking God for answers and healing. And I believe I got both. Emotionally, and spiritually, something changed. I feel absolutely incredible. And the answers came, too. The confusion, the constant battle with food and eating, the getting nowhere - that all changed. God revealed to me to stay away from gluten. I tried that. Then I slowly began attempting to cut out other allergen-type foods. At the same time, I discovered some (very limited) foods that actually remained in my stomach, the most exciting thing of all. I cannot say just how wonderful it felt to have something in my stomach after about 3 weeks of non-stop vomiting.
It felt satisfying.
The last week or so, I have been slowly attempting different foods and creating my own 'elimination list' of foods that 'don't agree' with my stomach. And I have made so much progress already in that by finding the foods I can eat, I can eat and keep down meals. This means I have some amount of energy and am no longer bedridded! Praise God for that!
Think I am joking about not being able to eat particular foods? No way. I am serious - if I eat any of these particular foods I will vomit immediately, will not keep any food down, and will likely spend the rest of the day vomiting for no apparent reason. (this begins the dehydration cycle, which causes potassium losses)

Foods I cannot eat 

Gluten/wheat (I have always been sensitive to wheat products, and I have found now that anything containing gluten makes me vomit very bad and I am sick for hours afterwards)

Dairy Products (All of them, at the moment, particularly yoghurt and cheese)




Nuts (Not 100% sure on this one, but all those I have tried disagree)

Seafood (again, not 100% sure)

Egg (another one which I will have to try again)

And a big one, which takes out the rest of my food options.
Ever heard of Salycilates? They are a natural colour, and you may have heard of them in carrots and oranges. They give most foods their colourings. Thing is, my stomach is very sensitive to these right now. This eliminates any (or most) coloured food.
For example, because these foods are high in salycilates, I cannot eat them at all. Foods high in salycilates include: mushrooms, tomato (really bad), olive oil, peanuts, carrots, corn, pumkpin, fruits (I cannot eat any fruit) herbs & spices, etc. The list of foods high in salycilates I cannot eat is VERY very long.
A list I can eat! And this is very basic. If I go outside this list, I beging vomiting again, and nothing stays down at all. Stay in this list an I am fine. It's hard though, and very boring.

(Check that list out - it is a salycilate list, and anything beyond 'low' I cannot eat. (add to that my other food allergies... short list)

Foods I can eat - this is ALL I can eat right now 

Meat (Yay for this! It is a staple right now)

Oats (Also a main staple) Oat-milk is nice!



Legumes (Also a staple)

...Not sure about Rice

...And as all spices have high salycilates, I can only eat:
Salt (even pepper is bad)
Canola Oil (olive oil is bad)
Sugar (cannot eat honey, it is really high in salycilates)

And that's it! It really sucks trying to flavour things without flavourings. And, because of this silly gastroparesis stuff, most of my food is soup/porridge. I am able to eat other type foods though, yay! So, keep on the lookout for 'allergen free' receipes! Because I will be posting them here. Also, I am desperately looking for any if people have some. =)

I cannot say just how incredible human I feel again being able to keep some food down. I still vomit a bit even on this strict elimination diet, but not nearly as bad as when I eat outside of these guidelines. Recovery, yay!

As for other news, I am excitedly preparing for winter in my many, many layers of warmth. Did I mention I have always loved winter? Also awaiting the parts for our woodfire - and guess where I'll be all season? ;)


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