Tuesday 7 May 2013

Updates on, well.... Updates

I am not sure just how much updating one can do without it becoming boring. For that I do apologise, and very sincerely. However there are some who want more current updates and so I must elaborate on the previous updatedness.
Yes, I am still keeping food down! Only the selective few non-allergenic food types as previously listed, though. Anything orange still really dislikes me - oh - and egg is a major 'bad' food right now. Swede works, although I have discovered it tastes like squished brussels sprouts - yuck!
I am learning how to cook with very little ingredients and attempting to make some kind of variety of the menu.... which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Soup'd on the menu more often than not.
Food aside, I have been making some incredible progress physically and am (finally) beginning to weigh more than 40kg. Yay! Also I have gained my appetite back! and have started 'molting' - and am getting a new layer of skin in. Interesting. And... my hair is no longer falling out. That's always a plus. haha.

Oh, also, did I mention it's cold? Very cold? And I have no fat. That makes being warm difficult. I feel the cold. brrr. At 20 degrees I am shivering. Cold freezing winter.

As this is a quick update before I go away, I do not really have the time to waffle on about the latest revelations of mine. But be assured there are many of these, and they certainly will be updated on here in the near future - especially those partaining to all the incredible things God has been doing in my life latey. He's pretty awesome, and always has a greater good intended - even if we do not always see it, or agree with that plan.

Oh, and I finally returned to work after about 6 months away.... and it felt amazing! 4 hours was all I could manage but I was finally able to go back! They were all very welcoming and it felt so good to be back where I love doing what I do.

And as for Kaelen - well, apart from being a confused dog and thinking a pile of poo is a tennis ball.... yep, he's doing real well. Once I get back its serious training time.


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