Sunday 26 May 2013

The New Normal

(This is how my life has felt lately. Also my stomach, and, I'll admit, the emotions. Now it's beginning to look more like a Lake... with a few whirlpools ;) )

Finally, at last, this upside-down world of mine is beginning to find some sensible order.
I am finally regaining my sanity =P as well as discovering a new depth to many of the pre-existing things in my life.
It feels as though my entire world was shifted, and the course of my life altered - but why? This I cannot say, only that I know God has been and will continue to be sovereign over everything, and I certainly give Him permission to do so.
Oh, and did I also need to mention that, in the midst of these hard, trying months, I have not been dramatizing in order to make up a story, and certainly not for gaining sympathy. (I hate being pitied. yerch.)
It has been probably, if not definitely, the most difficult, growing experience I have yet... experienced. Perhaps that means it was pretty difficult, or perhaps that I am soft (both? ;) )... but in the end it doesn't really matter. What matters is the end result, and, well, I believe it is somewhat (rather, a lot) closer to completion (that is to say, this butterfly may finally have obtained its wings), although, as I am not God, I cannot entirely say, and therefore must leave it trustfully in His hands. His loving, caring Hands.

My New 'Normal' life includes the thrilling news of, well, recovery! I cannot believe that it has taken me so long, and it feels absolutely wonderful to be able to walk around, do 40 squats a day (hehe, building muscle) and begin to focus on 'normal' aspects of life again. Tafe can begin again (groan) and I have already been back to work.

So, what have I learnt through all this? A lot. Enough to fill the pages of many books. Perhaps someday that book I will write. Oh, and speaking of books, in the last few weeks I have been inspired (as occasionally and rarely happens) to write, and write I will. I have already begun the intricate research and yesterday began writing. What am I writing? Come back here to find out - something fictional, intriguing, and very relevant.

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