Monday 15 April 2013

Gastroparesis Updates

Updates on me...
So, you may not have heard from me in recent days. I assure you, however, I am still very much alive and.... Kicking?
Well is probably not the best term.
Since my last hospital trip my health has been up and down, unfortunately for me, mostly down.
 Recently my vomiting has been particularly bad and I kept no food from any meal down whatsoever. As well as this, my potassium levels dropped yet again - leaving me pretty weak (i.e. bedridden) for at least the last week. Thankfully a visit to the doctor involved the increased dosage of potassium tablets as well as a prevented trip to the hospital. (That and the fact we could not get results for blood tests because my veins were both uncooperative) So, above... the reason no one has heard from me recently!

Prior to this latest bout of weakness we went off to see my specialist doctor, a gastroenterologist, who yet again listed management of my gastroparesis, changed medications and ordered more. He also described another counter- condition I  apparently have that is also responsible for some of my symptoms. Eosinophil's in the duodenum is most easily described as asthma of the duodenum. (The opening into the small intestine). Haha, yes! Just like an allergic reaction causes the lungs to overproduce the amount of white blood cells, so too does the stomach. This condition is apparently extremely rare, and of the research I have done, I have discovered it is common for people who suffer various other forms of allergy, of which I have all my life.
The symptoms are apparently notably worse after exposure to gluten and lactose.

Upon returning home, I went off my medication, as advised, with particularly  bad effects on my body. Going off the steroids caused me to end up in bed for a week, and for most of that time I slept. I must say, I am thrilled to be sleeping for more than 2 hours straight - I have my nighttimes back! I am also thrilled to be noticeably a lot more emotionally stable. Amazing what drugs can do to you. sheesh.

Medication aside, I simply have more and more doctors appointments. Also there is the likelihood of having to check out my 'Gilbert's Syndrome' as well. (Google that one!)

And that is only the physical. It's been a tough couple of weeks. But it has also been a very interesting couple. And especially as a result comes intimate seeking God. It is unfortunate, however, that this is often our very last resort.

More on that later, though.


  1. Anna, it's nice to hear from you again. I have also not blogged much recently due to being so sick! The way that you write even reads a bit more drained, which makes me sad to read. I pray you will be doing better soon and feeling more like yourself, which I know is not "normal" by most everyone else's standards! I will post on my blog an update as well and hope we can interact some more soon to keep in touch and encourage one another. Praying for you!

    1. Daniel,

      It is great to hear from you! I do apologise that I have not kept in contact as much... been away from my computer for a few weeks. How are you doing? I hope you are better soon, it sucks to be sick.
      I am doing much, much better, the light is finally beginning to show at the end of this long tunnel. Also I am up and out of bed which makes all the difference in the world.
      Keep your eye on here; there will be more blog posts soon!
