Wednesday 22 January 2014

Life, Life, and happiness!

It seems whenever I have something that I want to write, life gets in the way and prevents it. Haha, actually, no, it simply gets written on scraps of paper and forgotten, and doesn't seem to make its way here.

That's okay, but then, I think perhaps it makes things on here fairly photo heavy.
That's okay, too - but with a bit of variety.

I'd love to be able to blog more often. I think a lot of it has to do with not owning a laptop - and the exhausting amount of effort it takes to only use at night (only free time!) a noisy, clunky and bright (ow the eyes) computer.

Well, that aside, I do intend on buying a laptop. It's my hope that will make the difference.

But life has been so busy!

I've been planning, creating, sculpting, painting, making a new website, and loads of babysitting!

There's a lot I haven't put on here, because sometimes it feels like a lot of effort.

I will try, in future, to make my posts more regular and less boring (for some) as possible, with as much variety as possible.

This (may) include some of my recent super allergen friendly recipes! (Not by choice, but they aren't that bad!)

In other news...

Yes! I have finally scored my hard earned Certificate! 4 years later, and plenty of hard work and lots of expense, my love of animals has at last met its qualifications.

That's been a long time in coming.

Hooray times a lot!

I think that part's pretty self-explanatory. 

Happy day.

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