Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Gift of Music - And God.

There's something about Music... which winds its way through our lives, gripping, shaping, leading, in a way that never really ends. Songs are written, lyrics change, music does not. Yet with all the endless-ness of this invention, it never grows old. It also remains deep within each one of us - in many ways, expressing what we - and mere words - cannot.
The Gift of Music.

I have known this gift all my life but have never relied on it as much as I do now. The above song is simply another example of wording something one cannot.

My year, my life, my struggle - as it has been - is summed up in both of these songs. Beautiful, haunting, challenging. 

The current struggle of life may not be as life-threatening but it still remains, forcing me (forcing us all) to daily let go, let God, and simply Trust, even when it seems we cannot. 
For the battle has not been won yet, the war is still waging, and the struggles continue.
One thing remains the same - 
This Trust, this Hope, this God.

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