Tuesday 8 October 2013

Dog Photography - Ditzy & Kaelen - September 2013

Growing Up - little man Kaelen is no longer a baby in form. Despite the fact his size has increased tremendously, the attitude of a loving child still remains. And what a Loving child that is.
 Kaelen and Ditzy - Best Friends in the best way. These two spend their days romping about together, waiting by the back door for the return of their master (me). Their little Tiffs are often short-lived and always end whenever Ditzy has decided enough is enough. Despite her size and Kaelen's headstrong, dominant personality, Ditzy is obviously the boss (below me) and Kaelen regards her as a big sister or even a second 'mum'.  

Even the image stabliser on my Canon Zoom lens couldn't prevent some serious motion blur - but that is acceptable, given how close (to me) he insisted on jumping over - until he was landing on me, or just about...
Sheepishly Staring - with slobber on the face. Well... we all know how that got there...

Does not the face say it all? A handsome and elegant face which often looks eerily like a wolf in hunt... (without the aggressive tendencies, of course) can also, almost in the same instant, look like a scrunched up and wet Labrador begging for cookies. Yep, its the cute-face versus intelligent and on the prowl. What a hunk.
Not all Kaelen faces are as attractive...
Well.... no need for further details, really..
On the Hunt..
This dog never stops. Romping and frollicking seams to be the order of the day - more often than not. Despite this young attitude, Kaelen surprisingly changes face whenever work or sheep are present. Silly puppy no more, work is for the professionals.
The Stalking of the Prey... the prey, which, has already been captured and now rests firmly within the grasp of.... the enemy sister! Now the challenge is to creep up, completely unseen... and pounce on the unsuspecting victim! .... The victim who will be quite, eh... unrelenting.

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