Sunday 21 July 2013

... Light. Makes a Change from Darkness....

Sun. Light. Warmth. How ironic that it is the complete opposite of death. Duh, you say. Of course it is.
But there is a greater purpose at work here. Did not God create these extreme opposites for a distinct reason? Perhaps as an example of something greater?

This reminds me of some of my recent thoughts regarding amusing story-lines of all children's stories, movies and tales.  There is always a good guy and a bad guy, always light and dark, always clearly defined. Even some stories that begin more 'grey' end up with black and white. Good and evil.

God must have drawn that line long ago.  And for good reason.  We cannot understand that fully, merely can we appreciate the parallel and what it represents.

Darkness must flee in the presence of light. Any light floods out dark in its circle, however big or small the amount of light.

A big flood light does just that - floods the streets so all can see.
Chases away darkness.

This parallel between light and darkness is a scriptural principle and is mentioned often in the Bible.

 - Genesis speaks of the distinction between the two. Of the separation of the bright, pure light, and the suffocating, often deadly darkness.

Throughout life both are referred to in this manner. Each represents its own.God is always represented as light. Light is represented as everything good, and lovely, and Holy, and pure, and as life itself.

So what is this greater hidden depth? This mystery we only understand the surface of?

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