Monday, 28 October 2013
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Satisfaction IS Found - in the One and Only
I think many of us go through the same struggles.
The struggles of life - I need not list them here.
My point being here, is that, once, I posted a topic about my own personal struggle (with God) and the seemingly endless struggle with finding satisfaction. (Being fully filled.)
I shall not say that it has happened recently, but rather over a period of time - I have indeed found that satisfaction, the deep, true, and filling satisfaction given only by God.
And when I speak of satisfaction I do not indeed speak of physical or emotional satisfaction - no - I am referring to the Spiritual.
And it is this aspect which can only ever be fully filled by God - and only God. That 'void' that so many of us hear about, know about, and try to fill with other things.
The thing is,
Only God can satisfy you.
Not only will He, but He delights in satisfying - in filling, over-flowing, renewing.
Satisfaction must be found in God alone - and then other forms of satisfaction flow from that.
If you are desperate, as I was, not too long ago, hungry, longing - and eager; ask God. He will satisfy you, He will fulfill His every promise and be as fulfilling and satisfying as a well-eaten physical meal - filling, nourishing, and exactly what was needed.
Let Him fill You.
The struggles of life - I need not list them here.
My point being here, is that, once, I posted a topic about my own personal struggle (with God) and the seemingly endless struggle with finding satisfaction. (Being fully filled.)
I shall not say that it has happened recently, but rather over a period of time - I have indeed found that satisfaction, the deep, true, and filling satisfaction given only by God.
And when I speak of satisfaction I do not indeed speak of physical or emotional satisfaction - no - I am referring to the Spiritual.
And it is this aspect which can only ever be fully filled by God - and only God. That 'void' that so many of us hear about, know about, and try to fill with other things.
The thing is,
Only God can satisfy you.
Not only will He, but He delights in satisfying - in filling, over-flowing, renewing.
Satisfaction must be found in God alone - and then other forms of satisfaction flow from that.
If you are desperate, as I was, not too long ago, hungry, longing - and eager; ask God. He will satisfy you, He will fulfill His every promise and be as fulfilling and satisfying as a well-eaten physical meal - filling, nourishing, and exactly what was needed.
Let Him fill You.
This song, 'Satisfy' - by Tenth Avenue North, is a plea, a comission - from Our hearts to God's. Asking Him, begging Him, to be our satisfaction. To replace in us and around us anything that matters (or what we thought mattered) and fully, completely, fill it with Him. Amen to that!
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Sunday, 13 October 2013
"From Your Dog"
Rooooo... I am your dog.
I love to lick you, its my way of saying hello. It's also because your face is tasty.
When I flick you with my tail its my way of tickling you.
That annoying thing I do when I sit on your foot - that's because I am protecting you from ants.
I licked your nose - oops! Aimed too high.
I love your face, it has hilarious expressions.
Especially when its me you are looking at.
Or, perhaps, the mess on the grass. About that...
It was alive.
When I destroy things, it is to protect you.
Protect you from scary fluffy teddy bears.
Yep, even them, all cute and innocent.
When I choke on my food its because I have to hurry - in case you leave.
When I wag my tail I am humming a song... tadum tadum..
I really am quite musical.
Haven't you heard me bark?
Or sing - oh yes - I sing very well.
When I jump up with muddy paws, I am imprinting a hug on you.
Its really the best way to do it - dry hugs don't imprint.
When I stare into your eyes, don't go all soppy. I'm actually staring at the crumb on your mouth.
When I trow my head back and loll the tongue I am laughing.
And not just at life. Likely at you.
You are pretty funny.
When you hide, and I cannot find you, it makes me cry.
I think you enjoy it.
I will imprint another hug just in case you thought you could forget me.
When I scratch you, I am drawing.
Your legs are really good drawing boards.
Plus, your attempts at yelping are very funny.
You don't make a good dog - you walk past the sniffy dead things.
If I give you one, treasure it always.
It is a gift.
If I take it back, it needed killing some more.
If you can never stop thinking about me, I imprinted my hug deep.
If not, let me try again.
OR how about the claw art?
Your Dog.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
The Gift of Music - And God.
There's something about Music... which winds its way through our lives, gripping, shaping, leading, in a way that never really ends. Songs are written, lyrics change, music does not. Yet with all the endless-ness of this invention, it never grows old. It also remains deep within each one of us - in many ways, expressing what we - and mere words - cannot.
The Gift of Music.
I have known this gift all my life but have never relied on it as much as I do now. The above song is simply another example of wording something one cannot.
My year, my life, my struggle - as it has been - is summed up in both of these songs. Beautiful, haunting, challenging.
The current struggle of life may not be as life-threatening but it still remains, forcing me (forcing us all) to daily let go, let God, and simply Trust, even when it seems we cannot.
For the battle has not been won yet, the war is still waging, and the struggles continue.
One thing remains the same -
This Trust, this Hope, this God.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Dog Photography - Ditzy & Kaelen - September 2013
Growing Up - little man Kaelen is no longer a baby in form. Despite the fact his size has increased tremendously, the attitude of a loving child still remains. And what a Loving child that is.
Kaelen and Ditzy - Best Friends in the best way. These two spend their days romping about together, waiting by the back door for the return of their master (me). Their little Tiffs are often short-lived and always end whenever Ditzy has decided enough is enough. Despite her size and Kaelen's headstrong, dominant personality, Ditzy is obviously the boss (below me) and Kaelen regards her as a big sister or even a second 'mum'.

Sheepishly Staring - with slobber on the face. Well... we all know how that got there...
Does not the face say it all? A handsome and elegant face which often looks eerily like a wolf in hunt... (without the aggressive tendencies, of course) can also, almost in the same instant, look like a scrunched up and wet Labrador begging for cookies. Yep, its the cute-face versus intelligent and on the prowl. What a hunk.

Well.... no need for further details, really..

On the Hunt..
This dog never stops. Romping and frollicking seams to be the order of the day - more often than not. Despite this young attitude, Kaelen surprisingly changes face whenever work or sheep are present. Silly puppy no more, work is for the professionals.
The Stalking of the Prey... the prey, which, has already been captured and now rests firmly within the grasp of.... the enemy sister! Now the challenge is to creep up, completely unseen... and pounce on the unsuspecting victim! .... The victim who will be quite, eh... unrelenting.
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