Saturday 20 August 2011

a View on Fathers and Daughters

Looking at these words all I can think of is what it means to be a daughter. I think of my life until now and all of the things that have happened. And of always having my Dad there; the one to be the hero and save us from the various dramas that occur, the one who, along with my Mum,
praised a child’s attempts at drawing when it was nothing more than coloured scribbles.

One thing about Fathers, from a daughter’s perspective, is that, to some extent, they are the very air we breathe. They are the protector, the provider, in some ways, our strength. It is from them we seek wisdom and direction. While Mothers are just as valuable and special in their roles of teaching and guiding, a Father has the unquestionable authority that is ultimately what the daughter needs, whether she thinks so or not.

There is also something quite different about the relationship held between a father and a daughter. A father and son – they hold a bond quite unique and one that centres on their identity, manhood. And yet, the bond between father and daughter is no less special. In fact, it should be considered just as valuable. A father cherishes his daughter. He is her covering, her shelter, her provider, from the day she is birthed until the day she is wed. Unlike the son, who will leave his home and establish his own family, a daughter remains under her Father’s spiritual, God-given covering until she is given away to another man. This different kind of bond is often overlooked, and yet, could possibly be considered one of the most valuable relationships a woman will have in her lifetime.

Add to this something my own Father told me which influences the way I see Fathers and their Daughters. (My father has four children, all girls.) He said to me one day in our one-on-one conversation we had, “God showed me some things about you girls and spoke to me. He said to me, ‘Daughters are like precious gems.’ I treasure you and will not give you away to just anyone. My role as father is to bring the best out in you; to bring you up to be all that God intended you to be. To fulfill His purpose through your life. How can I avoid this responsibility?” So perhaps we can come to the conclusion from this that God really must have created something sweet when He wanted Fathers and Daughters to share this bond. In saying that, I am aware just how many daughters don’t have this bond with their fathers. This saddens me and makes me even more grateful to my wonderful God that I have had this experience throughout my life with my Dad. It also makes me think joyously of the beautiful relationship there is to be had with the true Father, the one who created this relationship as an example of what there is to be had. For there is nothing quite so meaningful, and of this I speak honestly, nor as wonderful as having that personal, Father and Daughter relationship with the creator of Love.

(as written for Bloomer's girl's email magazine)

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