Bengal Tiger Female - customised comission hand repaint, as requested. Originally cheap plastic model, scraped down, and redefined. Painted according to photographs of real female Bengal Tigers. 100% Acryllics used throughout, 4+ coats total.

In this photo (left), the base coat (the grey) has been on for 24hrs and is doubly thick. (x2 coats)
The first coloured coat is being added here, and is still wet. I applied two coats of this colour, letting the first dry and then shading/mixing the second.

First coloured coat can be seen (above). Shading is incomplete, only the lighter/white edges have been added to the undersides. Once this coat dried I then applied the shaded colour layer.
Completed Tiger. (Above image.) Once Shaded layer had dried, I shaded inside of white areas slightly, as well as facial light areas.
I then carefully and painstakingly painted each stripe on, using a photographic guide (one photo of each side, front, and back view) and my pencil at an angle, by dragging it across, instead of painting directly onto surface. Facial features were then added, including mouth, eyes, nose and toes were deatiled. Highlights added to eyes... and complete!
Completed tiger (above) with similarly-sized Schleich Tiger male, Bengal. Not as realistic, but not bad.
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