In fact, I think that's what I miss the most - vegemite on toast. So, I can't do the vegemite part. But I have been trying, time and time again.... to create a bread using no wheat or corn flour, and without yeast.
It's still in the early stages.... and no doubt will be modified a LOT. But hey - it's bread! Yum. Plus, this receipe is extremely good for you and is a lot lower gi than regular bread. And it's filling.
Yeast Free, Wheat Free & Corn Free Bread
(please note - this is not a gluten free variety... but can be made into one by substituting flours.)
See that baby there? Yes, that's my latest bread creation. And let me tell you, it's a beauty. The incredible part is that, unlike my other experiements, this one doesn't crumble apart when sliced, and fits nicely into a toaster! It's also reallly yummy warm out of the oven.
Oh - and that golden colour - that's chickpea flour! A wonderful low GI, high protein flour version.
2 Cups Pearl Barley Flour
3/4 Cup Chickpea Flour
1 Cup Brown Rice Flour
+ additional flour
1 Cup cold soymilk (or water)
4 Teaspoons Baking powder (more or less as required)
(ultimately, 4 cups of a combination of flours. For a gluten-free version, try chickpea flour, potato flour, rice flour, and corn flour.)

Mix dry ingredients well, making sure baking powder goes throughout mixture.
Sift entire mix of flour at least three times. This ensures the air is sifted through and helps the bread rise.
Add Soymilk gradually, stirring with spoon. Mixture needs to stick together and be coming away from bowl. To do this, I added another 1/4 - 1/2 cup flour (any variety) as included above.
Dust table surface with flour, roll dough into ball. Work a little, but remember this will remove air, so not too much. The dough is quite hard and may crack - add water or flour to hands as required. Do not knead! Simply form into bread shape.
Place in lined/greased bread tin, score with knife, and decorate with rolled oats if desired.
Bake for 30 - 45 mins or until brown on top.
Slice while hot! Yummmmmm. Just to go too thick with your slices, or it may be heavy going!
note: For Gluten-free varieties, use a combination of Rice Flour, Potato Flour, Corn Flour, and Chickpea Flour. This loaf gets its colour from the chickpea and it adds a nice nutty flavour.
Don't overdo the chickpea flour, though! If using this flour and only one other, go half and half of each.
So there you have it!
I am sure I will perfect this bread-making business one of these days, but this one is bearable... nice, in fact.
All photography (c) mine.
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