(Now for a semi-serious music recommendation!)
"We all know the girls that I am talking about
Well they are time bombs and they are ticking
And the only question's when they'll blow up
And they'll blow up; We know that without a doubt
cause they're those girls, yeah you know those girls
that let their emotions get the best of them
And I've contrived some sort of a plan
to help my fellow man
Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
Cause we'll know just what they're thinking Just what their thinking
She's so pretty but she doesn't always act that way
Her moods out swinging on the swing set almost everyday
She said to me that she's so happy it's depressing
And all I said was someone get that girl a mood ring!
If it's drama you want then look no further
They're like the real world, meets boy meets world, meets days of our lives
and it just kills me how they get away with murder
they'll anger you, Then bat their eyes; those pretty eyes that watch you sympathize
And I've contrived some sort of a plan
to help my fellow man
Let's get emotional girls to all wear mood rings
So we'll be tipped off to when they're ticked off
cause we'll know just what they're thinking just what their thinking
She's so pretty but she doesn't always act that way
her moods out swinging on the swing set almost every day
she said to me that she's so stressed out that it's soothing
and all I said was someone get that girl a mood ring
Cause when it's black means watch your back because you're probably
the last person in the world right now she wants to see
and when it's blue it means you should call her up immediately
and ask her out because she'll most likely agree
and when it's green it simply means that she is really stressed
and when it's clear is means she is completely emotionless
(And that's alright I must confess)
We all know the girls that I am talking about,
she liked you Wednesday but now it's Friday
and she has to wash her hair
and it just figures that we'll never figure them out
well first she's jekyl and then she's hyde... at least she makes a lovely pair
Mood ring, oh mood ring, oh tell me will you bring
the key to unlock this mystery
Of girls and their emotions play it back in slow motion
so I may understand
the complex infrastructure known as the female mind (Heh, that was terrible)"
(I completely cracked up on hearing that, and all I can say, really... is "I want one!" Obviously this was written from a guy's perspective. And for all you guys out there wondering... that's like how it is! As in, I had to explain to two different guys (my Dad, for one) what an emotional breakdown was. Now what girl doesn't know that....
As for those girls who let their emotions get away with them... let's be clear on one thing. All girls are emotional, it's just that some of us follow (or attempt to) Romans 8 - that is, living by the Spirit thus 'putting to death all fleshly desires'. (Sometimes, Yeah right.) =) So - from that two conclusions! 1. - You (whoever you are) absolutely have got to hear the song. 2. - Go read Romans 8. It's pretty good.)
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Mt Kaputar
What else can be said, really? It is a breathtaking view in the sense of the word and really displays the variety of creation.
(Photographs, again, are my copyright. What's that? It's called Sepia, an awesome colour adjustment. Nice set, right?)
Mt Kaputar,
Thursday, 25 August 2011
The Power of the Spoken Word
“Oh, you, stupid, what did you do that for?”
Think about these words for a second. Not uncommon in this world, right? Now, think on this, “What a wonderful job you have done!” In all honesty, which encourages your spirit? The latter. Why? Not for the sole reason that it is using positive words and is spoken in a positive way, but because there is also power in the spoken word. There really is. For did not God create the world, universe, heavens and all of those dimensions using words? And man is made in the image of God. Really, really think about that. If God, the creator of all, has the authority to create something out of nothing using words, then surely we humans, made in his image, must have some power in and by what we say.
Now, perhaps, as is the spoken word is thought of very little in this modern world, things spoken are often thought of with little consequence. Never underestimate the power of the spoken word. For as curses in the original form were used for tearing down and destroying, the enemy can use negative words spoken over someone in the same manner. And as positive words raise people up, they are also equivalent to blessings. For there is power in the word, even more power when spoken out.
Proverbs 18:21 says:
21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
From this perhaps the conclusion can be drawn that more than just sometimes, as follows the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping, there might be consequenses for some of those un-thought of things we say. That thought and possiblilty certainly adds another dimension to what (or what should) come from our mouths as God-fearing Christians.
Think about these words for a second. Not uncommon in this world, right? Now, think on this, “What a wonderful job you have done!” In all honesty, which encourages your spirit? The latter. Why? Not for the sole reason that it is using positive words and is spoken in a positive way, but because there is also power in the spoken word. There really is. For did not God create the world, universe, heavens and all of those dimensions using words? And man is made in the image of God. Really, really think about that. If God, the creator of all, has the authority to create something out of nothing using words, then surely we humans, made in his image, must have some power in and by what we say.
Now, perhaps, as is the spoken word is thought of very little in this modern world, things spoken are often thought of with little consequence. Never underestimate the power of the spoken word. For as curses in the original form were used for tearing down and destroying, the enemy can use negative words spoken over someone in the same manner. And as positive words raise people up, they are also equivalent to blessings. For there is power in the word, even more power when spoken out.
Proverbs 18:21 says:
21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
From this perhaps the conclusion can be drawn that more than just sometimes, as follows the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping, there might be consequenses for some of those un-thought of things we say. That thought and possiblilty certainly adds another dimension to what (or what should) come from our mouths as God-fearing Christians.
the spoken word,
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Gimp images (art)
GNU Image Manipulation Program - That is, GIMP. GIMP is an art program not disimilar to Photoshop that can be used for a great variety of art and photo editing.
Below are two Gimped images (100% copyright, yes) that I have created. The first is a comission I did for one of my workmates; a Corgi puppy called Ruby. There are quite a few steps to creating images like these, but both came from simple sketches and were shaded using dodge/burn tools. Colour added (30% opacity), background of faded phot added using the eraser on incremental. For the second image, the sketch was in dark texta, creating slightly better lines for colouring. I shall, in future, be adding some Gimp tutorials on how to do these kinds of images (and photo blending using the eraser, an absolutely brilliant skill.)

Below are two Gimped images (100% copyright, yes) that I have created. The first is a comission I did for one of my workmates; a Corgi puppy called Ruby. There are quite a few steps to creating images like these, but both came from simple sketches and were shaded using dodge/burn tools. Colour added (30% opacity), background of faded phot added using the eraser on incremental. For the second image, the sketch was in dark texta, creating slightly better lines for colouring. I shall, in future, be adding some Gimp tutorials on how to do these kinds of images (and photo blending using the eraser, an absolutely brilliant skill.)
The word eventually.....
Is such a fascinating, useful, and absolutely necessary word for procrastination. Not that people who procrastinate attempt to or not to, moreso that it (the word eventually) acts as a brilliant cover-up when something happens as to distract their attentions.
Procrastinating is the act of being completely distracted by something whilst in the pursuit of achieving something else. I.E. – you are trying to tidy up your room and this amazing book falls out of your bookshelf. Before you know it, the time’s completely gone and you are no further ahead in your tidiness, merely your book’s adventure. Do not forget, though, that the motives behind every attempt gone wrong are indeed originally focused around actually getting something done.
Is procrastination an art or a fault? Perhaps it is a combination of both, or of neither.
Mums also hate the word ‘eventually’. It’s best to use only when you have some idea of the fact that you will probably be distracted by something. Of course, you could be completely strict with yourself and not allow the enjoyment procrastination sometimes brings. All of the unexpected joys of procrastination are completely worth wile once you realise and get over the fact that the consequences could potentially mean being behind in every checklist. But, fear not, where would we be with completed checklists and nothing to do?!
Procrastinating is the act of being completely distracted by something whilst in the pursuit of achieving something else. I.E. – you are trying to tidy up your room and this amazing book falls out of your bookshelf. Before you know it, the time’s completely gone and you are no further ahead in your tidiness, merely your book’s adventure. Do not forget, though, that the motives behind every attempt gone wrong are indeed originally focused around actually getting something done.
Is procrastination an art or a fault? Perhaps it is a combination of both, or of neither.
Mums also hate the word ‘eventually’. It’s best to use only when you have some idea of the fact that you will probably be distracted by something. Of course, you could be completely strict with yourself and not allow the enjoyment procrastination sometimes brings. All of the unexpected joys of procrastination are completely worth wile once you realise and get over the fact that the consequences could potentially mean being behind in every checklist. But, fear not, where would we be with completed checklists and nothing to do?!
Monday, 22 August 2011
The Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Method
I thought of posting some dog training tips as that is one of my hobbies and, in currently owning 5 Canines, something I do quite a bit of. Firstly, though, I shall introduce the method I use – so that there’s not a lack of understanding.
Dogs are entirely reinforcement-based animals. They are also extremely social, and instinctively require a response from other members of their pack, be that human or canine.
The positive reinforcement method of dog training is not new, and looks at rewarding required behaviours instead of the more common method of ‘disciplining’ dogs. Don’t get me wrong – there is a time and a place for discipline in dog training, but it cannot be confused with punishment. Unlike the human status some people put on dogs, they really are not like human children that can understand when an ‘owner’ comes home to a mess and smacks them for it. Rather, they are creatures very much understanding cause and effect, a principle used very often in positive reinforcement. This method of training also focuses on the most important aspect of a well-behaved and willing dog – its relationship with its owner. Loyalty is the key here, and should not be confused with an unhealthy, out of balance pack order where the dog is unobviously the leader over it’s human. This happens far too many times, and is the biggest cause of dog behavioral problems. (An out-of-balance pack order)
So, back to PR. This type of reinforcement is pretty much based around owners rewarding their dogs for behaviours asked of them, or even unexpected desirable ones. PR is given in many ways – body language, tone of voice, actual rewards such as treats or toys, and anything that the dog considers pleasant. Although this may seem like a lot of effort, if a dog is not conditioned by an owner and rewarded by them, they will find their own methods of being rewarded – such as the thrill of chasing livestock.
I have drawn my own conclusions in the various methods of dog training and use mainly PR, for the reasons listed above. It also creates a very special bond between dog and owner, where trust, not fear, is the thing that holds them together.
One example of PR is at a dog show. Although there are various dogs trained in various ways, it is undeniably those with positive owners that are actually enjoying their time. Note in the photo below, the intense attention of the dog on its master as it is being rewarded. PR is also the most commonly used method of training with all of the world’s best-trained defence and sniffer dogs.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Pride & Prejudice (a review on Jane Austin's work)
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”
Thus begins the epic tale of Pride and Prejudice; one set in Regency times when the entirety of a woman’s life centres around the prospect of marrying well. Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of a mother with such wishes, and sister to four others, aspires to greater achievements than purely gaining a husband. For, says she, “I am convinced that nothing but the deepest love will cause me to enter into matrimony.”
This Miss Bennet, one so strong in her feelings against marrying for material wealth, meets the infamous Mr Darcy who, with ‘ten thousand a year’, considered an eligible prospect by her mother, wounds Elizabeth’s pride by refusing to dance with her at a ball. His proud, reserved nature is discovered, and the gentleman becomes the scorn of Meryton, while his curious acquaintance Mr Bingley the centre of every young girl’s attentions. Elizabeth grows in her dislike for the proud Mr Darcy as they continue to accidentally meet, speaking only when forced.
When the romance of a most beloved sister goes terribly wrong due to the intervention of Mr Darcy, Elizabeth finds herself infuriated with the man and cannot understand when he confesses his admiration and love for her.
Yet another event occurs in the sphere of Elizabeth’s family in regards to her youngest sister, causing her entire world and opinions to be gradually changed. This book is, indeed, a romance quite amusing and intriguing, written perhaps to question the acceptable views of the author’s time.
(A side-note - the synopsis is complete! I seriously recommend this book for reading as it is not only extremely well-written, but contains some of the lost art of storytelling in the traditional semse. Well worth the read! There are also two movies made of this book, both having their place.
Illustration 100% done by me!)
Saturday, 20 August 2011
a View on Fathers and Daughters
Looking at these words all I can think of is what it means to be a daughter. I think of my life until now and all of the things that have happened. And of always having my Dad there; the one to be the hero and save us from the various dramas that occur, the one who, along with my Mum,
praised a child’s attempts at drawing when it was nothing more than coloured scribbles.
One thing about Fathers, from a daughter’s perspective, is that, to some extent, they are the very air we breathe. They are the protector, the provider, in some ways, our strength. It is from them we seek wisdom and direction. While Mothers are just as valuable and special in their roles of teaching and guiding, a Father has the unquestionable authority that is ultimately what the daughter needs, whether she thinks so or not.
There is also something quite different about the relationship held between a father and a daughter. A father and son – they hold a bond quite unique and one that centres on their identity, manhood. And yet, the bond between father and daughter is no less special. In fact, it should be considered just as valuable. A father cherishes his daughter. He is her covering, her shelter, her provider, from the day she is birthed until the day she is wed. Unlike the son, who will leave his home and establish his own family, a daughter remains under her Father’s spiritual, God-given covering until she is given away to another man. This different kind of bond is often overlooked, and yet, could possibly be considered one of the most valuable relationships a woman will have in her lifetime.
Add to this something my own Father told me which influences the way I see Fathers and their Daughters. (My father has four children, all girls.) He said to me one day in our one-on-one conversation we had, “God showed me some things about you girls and spoke to me. He said to me, ‘Daughters are like precious gems.’ I treasure you and will not give you away to just anyone. My role as father is to bring the best out in you; to bring you up to be all that God intended you to be. To fulfill His purpose through your life. How can I avoid this responsibility?” So perhaps we can come to the conclusion from this that God really must have created something sweet when He wanted Fathers and Daughters to share this bond. In saying that, I am aware just how many daughters don’t have this bond with their fathers. This saddens me and makes me even more grateful to my wonderful God that I have had this experience throughout my life with my Dad. It also makes me think joyously of the beautiful relationship there is to be had with the true Father, the one who created this relationship as an example of what there is to be had. For there is nothing quite so meaningful, and of this I speak honestly, nor as wonderful as having that personal, Father and Daughter relationship with the creator of Love.
(as written for Bloomer's girl's email magazine)
praised a child’s attempts at drawing when it was nothing more than coloured scribbles.
One thing about Fathers, from a daughter’s perspective, is that, to some extent, they are the very air we breathe. They are the protector, the provider, in some ways, our strength. It is from them we seek wisdom and direction. While Mothers are just as valuable and special in their roles of teaching and guiding, a Father has the unquestionable authority that is ultimately what the daughter needs, whether she thinks so or not.
There is also something quite different about the relationship held between a father and a daughter. A father and son – they hold a bond quite unique and one that centres on their identity, manhood. And yet, the bond between father and daughter is no less special. In fact, it should be considered just as valuable. A father cherishes his daughter. He is her covering, her shelter, her provider, from the day she is birthed until the day she is wed. Unlike the son, who will leave his home and establish his own family, a daughter remains under her Father’s spiritual, God-given covering until she is given away to another man. This different kind of bond is often overlooked, and yet, could possibly be considered one of the most valuable relationships a woman will have in her lifetime.
Add to this something my own Father told me which influences the way I see Fathers and their Daughters. (My father has four children, all girls.) He said to me one day in our one-on-one conversation we had, “God showed me some things about you girls and spoke to me. He said to me, ‘Daughters are like precious gems.’ I treasure you and will not give you away to just anyone. My role as father is to bring the best out in you; to bring you up to be all that God intended you to be. To fulfill His purpose through your life. How can I avoid this responsibility?” So perhaps we can come to the conclusion from this that God really must have created something sweet when He wanted Fathers and Daughters to share this bond. In saying that, I am aware just how many daughters don’t have this bond with their fathers. This saddens me and makes me even more grateful to my wonderful God that I have had this experience throughout my life with my Dad. It also makes me think joyously of the beautiful relationship there is to be had with the true Father, the one who created this relationship as an example of what there is to be had. For there is nothing quite so meaningful, and of this I speak honestly, nor as wonderful as having that personal, Father and Daughter relationship with the creator of Love.
(as written for Bloomer's girl's email magazine)
First Post!

Other than a quick introduction (which is really in the profile, if you read it) and final hello, I shall continue straight to posting some of my already written writings.
Feel free to comment (like, please do), and remember that pretty much all images and writings here are copyrighted unless specified as otherwise. (That note was for any reader who isn't my friend/s because you guys don't steal copyrighted material, riiigggtt?)
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